Sunday 27 January 2013

Politics of Hate

Well Democrats use the politics of hate. They tell a lie often because it makes you too busy defending off the lie and unable to tell your story, worse it sticks in the minds of the weak who start believe to lies. It is the politics of hate and the worst bigot is the one who hates is own so much the eco-climate-nazi.

More Hypocrisy From Obama

Obama regarding the Trayvon Martin case: "I think all of us have to do some soul searching."

WHY? Why do ALL OF US have to do some soul searching? Kind of reminds me of the Gabby Giffords shooting when Obama said we ALL have to tone it down...what did Conservatives and the Tea Party have to do with the Giffords shooting? Nothing. It was the act of a crazed man.

What does all of us soul searching have to do with the Martin shooting? Nothing.

The latest rumor is Martin himself assaulted the shooter Zimmerman, breaking his nose and lacerating his head, before Zimmerman shot him. Did Obama know that?

Where was Obama asking for soul searching when it came to black babies being aborted? Should we soul search the statistic that TWICE as many blacks have died from abortion than have died from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease COMBINED?

Yes, Trayvon Martin’s death should be thoroughly investigated and if the EVIDENCE shows Zimmerman was acting like a vigilante, he should be brought justice.

But SOUL SEARCHING needs to be conducted by certain people, not ALL OF US. Maybe Obama could take this opportunity to tell the facts that the main problem for young black men is not violent white (or half-hispanic in this case) men chasing them. It is black on black violence. Statistics show that 94% of black murders have black offenders.

One more thing...There isn't a problem in our country with white-on-black murder. In fact, the number of cross-racial violence statistics show that blacks killed more whites than whites killed blacks. To be exact: 245 more in 2009.

Question Hell

God doesn't send anyone to Hell, people send themselves by turning thier backs on God; it isn't enough to read the Bible, you need to study and live His word and love Jesus.

Why do so many prefer hate? Why so many prefer cults than Christianity? Why do people embrace evil?

Sunday 26 February 2012

Afghanistan Books Burnt. Lets put this in Perspective.

Afghanis claim to be deeply religious. Yet they kill each other, abuse woman and children, hide behind woman and children. Afghanistan used to be a Buddhist country until the invasion by Islam.

Sixth century statues of Buddha were destroyed in 2001.

Afghanistan doesn't have any religious tolerance.

They present themselves as a violent people who preach, teach hate and think they entitled to take what they want, do what they want and whine when things don't go their way.

Soviets didn't invade, they come to back a government aligned to them. To fight terrorism. They were invited in and for few years welcomed.

Taliban, from the arab tribes who like in Pakistan (not a real country but a break away from India on religious grounds) backed by west got rid of the soviets. Then instead of elections, the largest faction of resistance declared war on the other groups.

Taliban, the student movement, was actually part of the original anti-government movement in the 1960s that was backed by the then soviet union as they were against the west.

So Taliban gone from anti-west, to pro-soviet, to anti-soviet, pro-west, anti-west to anti-civilisation drug cartel.  All time claiming to be a religious movement.

Yet they preach hate, they commit murder. They don't fight like men. They complain about drone strikes and aircraft bombing. Yet they don't wear uniforms. Two thirds of civilians killed in Afghanistan were murdered by Taliban.

West trying to gain support in Afghanistan, but the Taliban hide thier faces, come in the night and put guns to heads of children.

The Taliban, Al-Queda and others flood the internet in info-wars. Spreading their lies unchallenged.

Left wing groups in west support the Taliban. Go ahead atheists, aware Taliban don't keep their word on anything? Aware they kill Atheists too not just Christians, Buddhists and Hindus?

Aware how Islam took over in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Somalia, Egypt, North Africa? With war not peace.

So put it in perspective. Couple hundred Afghanis protest about what they heard, not seen and based on orders of men who hide behind civilians in Pakistan.

The books that were burnt were removed from prison and have been desecrated by prisoners writing in them to pass messages.

Taliban talk of been left in peace. Yet they make war. Islam claims to be anti-war.

Taliban talk of been anti-drug, yet they only go after growers who don't work for them. Been one of the largest and most violent drug cartel in world. Heroine use is still lower than when legal and until recently was on the decline until flood of cheap Heroine from Pakistan (grown in Afghanistan). Yet Islam is suppost to be anti-drug.

We not are supposed to judge people based on the actions of few. Yet the marxists, muslims and islamists all judge the west as infidels and call for murder of all non-Muslims. I don't see muslim countries lining up to bring peace to muslim countries torn up by war.

China and Iran supply Somali with weapons.

Iran supplies rockets to Hamas that are regularly fired into Israel. Turkey calls for peace, but will not stand in front of those rockets and call for peace, they instead supply and back Hamas. So much for been a friend to Israel.

Iran supplies arms to Islamic terrorists in Nigeria. So much for Iran's claim of been a peaceful nation.

Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Ask Iran. But leading up to 2003,  Hans Blix didn't find any stockpiles. There was a shell game going on, Iraqi trucks moving around, stuff buried in desert.

After the war in Iraq, lot was found destroyed, most by targeted bombings, but some by Saddam's own people. 6000 122mm rockets designed to carry chemical weapons.

Iraq was found to have lot of pesticides and a processing plant. No documents to explain the military use. But spraying helicopters did drop chemical weapons in Kurdish uprisings in past.

I suspect, but can't prove, yet enough times in past Iraq did use chemical weapons to suggest Iraq was trying reprocess chemicals into human killing. Fly spray is toxic to humans in high doses. Either that or someone sold Saddam fly spray instead of human killing chemicals. Consecrated fly spray is not something you want put your hand in.

The 911 connection? Well Al-Qaeda wanted recruit and have bases inside Iraq. Saddam was negotiating. Saddam wasn't cooperating with US. Terms of cease fire, not end of war, but only cease fire was cooperate. Saddam didn't hand over Al-Qaeda. Saddam didn't cooperate with inspectors. Saddam however did secret deals with France and Russia over oil for votes in UN.

Afghanistan to Iraq to Yemen and many other "muslim nations" Al-Qaeda is moving freely. It is the organised crime of muslim world.

911 was made possible by lax attitudes that creaping in again. The "it will not happen again" mentality. Mostly spread by muslims in west claiming 911 was CIA. Doesn't help west's own worst enemy is the socialists within. Hitler was a socialist, one time ally of Stalin.

Most people don't bother with the fine print of history, like most of the SS were muslims. Croatian muslims rushed to join the SS. Is why so many Serbs hate Croatian.

So put some perspective on this. Muslims destroyed Lebanon. Yet muslims claim to be about peace. They didn't protest 911, they cheered it.

Some offical reports of cheering. Most of the youtubes gone that show massive demonstrations, especially in France, of muslims cheering 911.

Why is Nazism so hated and yet we suppost to tolerate those who don't tolerate us?

Only few sites still report the truth. Western media is propaganda.

BBC and few other news agencies allowed into "Palistinian" camps because they report what they told to, not the truth.

Media in west has lowest confidence because as most know now, reporters been making up stories for long time. But hacking phones and other invasions of privacy long suspected.

But they blame the bosses, yet the media owners not allowed to tell reporters what to print. Reporters backed by a union. Even editors can't dictate what reporters do to some extent.

Reporters are leftists not been held to account because the protest groups are also left wing.

Linking all together, how can you believe what news tells us? Reporters talk of uncovering truth and exposing lies. But what lies? what truth? Almost nothing about murders by Taliban.

Murders of politicians in Pakistan.

Bobby Kennedy killer was a muslim.

When you see or hear news, doubt it, research it and look at the history of the ACTIONS of the people in the news. Don't judge.

Afghanis have rushed to judge. They don't condem the one or two people who burnt the books, they condem everyone out of centuries of hate.

Only way to win in Afghanistan is kill all the Taliban. Kill the idea of the Taliban.

Stop spending on big toys. The key is boots on the ground. US alone could put more troops in Afghanistan, than number of Taliban members. The propaganda is US trying colonise west. Yet it is muslims who sending people around world to west and it is muslims in America who now want Sharia law and muslim only areas.

Don't listen to words, look at deeds. Islam is the colonists. Islam is the war maker.

Remember Orwell? He warned people will re-invent language. Newspeak.

No longer a fictional language.

Islam floods internet with websites, tweets, youtube with messages of jihard.

Even if no one in west declares war. War will come to you.

Just like Nazi Germany. More countries they invaded. The more people didn't fight, the more who joined the Nazis.

Those who fail to learn from past mistakes of history are doomed to repeat events.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Extortion failed - Anonymous Exposed.

The fanatically left wing hacking group Anonymous finally been exposed as a criminal conspiracy. Claiming to be a federation of activists engaged in information war is just that a claim. They don't want information to be free. They wear the robin hood cap like so many before, even robin hood wasn't some honourable rebel.

Get it out of your head that socialism is anything but a power hungry anti-Christian hate group. Unions want power over you, not to help you. Anonymous wants you money. They are gangsters engaged in shaking down governments. They attack America in particular for the stance against software, film and literature piracy. Anonymous doesn't do there robin hood play free, their performance comes at high cost, all those anonymous servers running in all those hate America countries.

They stole credit card information from Sony. They attacked credit card companies and banks. They send thousands of spam emails daily. They operate pay-for-download websites. They claim to be activists but when caught they claim mental illness and innocence. They waste court time for months in motions and appeals. All part of the socialists agenda to disrupt and destroy society. That is what Anonymous really is.

Latest report is Anonymous activists have released source code for Symantec's PCAnywhere onto the Pirate Bay, a file sharing website, after an extortion attempt apparently failed. Who else have they demanded from? These maybe hackers with 21st century technology and support of hostile nations and anti-Christians, but deep down they are throw backs to the 19th Century acting out of greed, spite, vanity and ego.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Apple keeps untaxed profits offshore.

About two-thirds of Apple’s $97.6 billion cash pile is offshore. That’s a massive ammount of money for an American company to keep outside of America.

It’s been a huge week for Apple with Apple’s announcement of quartly results, the company is now apparently worth more than Greece.

In the same week, the President of the United States named the late Steve Jobs and Apple in his Congressionally-mandated State of the Union address. Just a few hours later, in the GOP response to the President’s speech, Governor Mitch Daniels also named the Steve Jobs; saying “The late Steve Jobs — what a fitting name he had — created more of them than all those stimulus dollars the President borrowed and blew.”

Certainly Apple has created a lot of jobs over the years. But most of the jobs created by Apple are not American jobs, they’re sweatshop-style jobs for miserable, overworked workers in China.

According to the New York Times, Apple employs close to 43,000 people within the United States. While that’s not an small number of people. But Apple no longer builds its own devices. There was a time when Apple actually manufactured within the United States. Today, Apple products are built in China at Foxconn City. Apple has 230,000 people working to make iPhones and iPads. According to information obtained by Presidential candidate Rick Santorum Apple has more than 500,000 people building all Apple products in China. There is no figures on number of Apple employed in Apple stores worldwide.

According to the Apple earnings the company had a whopping $97.6 billion dollars in cash at the end of December. Unfortunately, about two-thirds of that money, “about $64 billion,” remained “offshore” at the end of December, according to Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer.

I am also painfully aware of how many jobs America needs to create simply to keep up with our birthrate, not to mention all the jobs lost over the last decade.

I’d recommend to our politicians two courses of action: (1) don’t use companies that outsource nine-tenths of their workers as examples of American innovation. It’s just poor taste. And (2) consider looking — for real — at what we need to do to get those jobs (and that cash) back here to the U.S., so it’ll be put to good work for the American people.

But there is also the TAX debate. Remember Steve Jobs. He said he didn't pay enough tax. Bit rich coming from someone who kept two-thirds of his wealth in China and paid no tax and 9 out of 10 employees are Chinese in mainland China. SO who is going pay all these new taxes? Not Apple.

I’m not demanding that Apple be singled out to be taxed extra or forced Apple or anyone to bring jobs or money back home. I’m demanding that our politicians fix the situation whereby all companies who act like Apple do into want to bring that money and those jobs back home. Second, I’m demanding that our politicians stop glorifying individuals and companies that did not and are not operating according to America’s needs and goals. This week, the President and the GOP did just that, and it wasn’t right.

Instead of glorify Apple's structure, you need change the tax system so that Apple and all other companies can't avoid Tax.

It is getting hard for people to day to get clear picture of what is going on. This has been going on for long time. Steve Jobs publically called for tax system changes, along with Warren Buffett and George Soros. But privately they been squirriling cash away outside the reach of the IRS, private lobbying delays in changes to tax laws and sueing the government to obtain lengthy delays in paying unpaid taxes, all the time using privacy laws, shell companies and private equity firms to keep thier names out of the news. Not to mention these people while they care what people think of them, the people are not been given the truth by Obama.

No wonder two-thirds of Americas don't trust the government. It isn't a conspiracy when you are right. You not paranoid if it is true the government wishes to spy on private citizens without probable cause.

Apple doesn't get named by "occupy wall street movement". Yet Apple is by far the worst (non bank) company in America. If you notice they all got ipods and iphones. Apple grants to organisations Macbooks, iPhones and discounts on range of products.

To me to occupy movement is about extortion. Give me or I protest agaisnt you. Apple has bought Obama. GOP core policies make it such they will not go against most US companies. Apple could hire North Koreans as far as Congress is concerned.

But mainstream America is sick of them both. But mainstream doesn't side with either party. No other movement has the numbers to take over yet. GOP is more likely to be pushed aside than Democrats because of the ties to the wealthiest Americans as well as money from Europe and China. Plus Democrats got the unions and university elistist movements.

Only hope for GOP is find a way to appeal to 60% of Americans. Democrats hold 42$ according to polls and GOP only 38%, rest undecided.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Apple's continued greedy. Obama's blind eye.

Apple, not satisfied with been one of the worst employers in the world have become one of the worst content partners in the world.

Apple brags about 2 billion in royalties over the last ten years, this is a far cry from Microsoft who actually holds records for royalties and on going royalties.

Now Apple wants to sabotage the online book publishing market. To effect they lured authors in with support for epub, the open publishing system, that allowed writers to convert material using thier own (often free) software. It also allowed writers to move away from Apple if (often when) Apple failed to deliver.

Apple has long history since the Apple II personal computer of screwing the customer with dud technology they refused to fix, to upgrades that really was a new computer and they took your old one, only later to see they selling yours AND you could just waited 3 months and bought the "upgrade" at a lower price.

Don't forget notable duds like the LISA and early MACS. Only way to upgrade memory was buy a NEW one with more memory. That was only after you found out the basic model had just enough memory of the OS and couple of pages on your word processor before it overheated and crashed. Remember the Apple modem? You could buy a PC for the price of an Apple modem. Never mind a scanner that cost more than a car. Video editing you could buy a house.

Now comes the "iOWN". Apple wants to own "i" as a trademark. The "i" own now extends to "i" contented. Apple doesn't own (yet) their apple trademark. A company founded by the Beatles does. Apple has many times tried to buy the Apple outright, despite orginal agreements to lease the logo.

Apple has long history of anti-competition laws, from not adhearing to industry stardards on networking, software, file formats, keys on keyboard and trying stop other companies making same products. Most notable was the law suit over the windows key. Claiming it stole their idea for the apple key. Yet Apple happy to take idea of shift from IBM. Apple claims MS stole thier idea for windows, only a few years later in court having to admit Apple and MS both won right to code from Xerox's government funded Graphics OS. Which also included idea of desktop pointing device, later nicknamed, the mouse.

Apple wanted own "smartphone". Now the tablet computer. Sci-fi fans, wasn't it a 1960's show called STAR TREK (and in others) were people had computers in their hands?

Lot of 1950s sci-fi had hand held communictors that allowed people to talk to each other. There was a 1980s game that had a computer that was also a mobile phone and had AI that allowed phone to take messages, book appointments and track your location in emergancies. Apple didn't invent the ideas, they watched them on TV and rushed to patents office. Steve jobs pushing his engineering teams to perform or else, putting his name onto every product regardless of his input.

Now with iBooks Apple is trying shut down competition and force i-product users to only use i-formatted products and i-product products to be Apple slaves with Apple new end user agreement taking huge percentage without investing into production of the product. Kind of like a software pirate does.

But there is more, Apple just lost another law suit, in every country Apple been trying to stop Samsung from selling the Galaxy tablet (Apple claims they invented this portable device despite number of other companies from trying unsuccessfully to make one). A Dutch court ruled, as have every other court in the world that Apple had no case against Samsung. Apple stole from Samsung key networking technology that enables iPad 2 to network faster. Again courts unable to work out if Apple stole ideas or not.

So much for Apple and Obama on free trade. Apple is all about trying to create a monopoly. Own other peoples ideas and digital products. I wonder if Apple given up on putting IBM and Microsoft out of business given Apple hasn't successfully made a super computer. Nor has Apple successfully dominated any market for long. Apple is only financially viable because of anti-monpoly law suits against Microsoft.

iPhone is crap. Who wants pay so much for a phone that costs more and does far less than a basic computer. Then have to buy new one each year to upgrade. There is a reason Apple closed hundreds of stores and will again. They don't give a crap about the customer, only interested in bleeding the market dry. Once new, small, smart pcs start rolling out, phones that work with your home pc, use the same software Apple once again will be "that company that gone broke so many times before".

So Obama is lying about his commitment to ending inequality, after all Apple is one of his largest supporters and also one of the largest companies to fire Americans while making billions in profits only to send jobs to China just to increase profit. Nor has Obama done anything to protect rights of content providers, instead choosing to go after the hosts over copyright violations. A non-American file host service. Never mind all the American webhosts that host pay-to-click and forex scams and all the American web hosts that spam. Megaupload was targets because they were the biggest. Obama wasn't protecting anyone but American business who put money into his campaign. Megaupload didn't copy anything, people did and do and will because it now costs more than a months income to watch one weeks content. People sick of basic cable running the same re-runs. People sick of paying half a days pay to watch a 1 1/2 hour movie that has 15 minutes of intro and 10 minutes end credits and pay two hours pay for a drink and popcorn. You can buy 2 litres in the supermarket for less than you pay for a CUP in the movie thertre. But no Obama rather protect Disney, Warner and all the other porn producers from free internet porn.

That's right you read right, most of the content megaupload suppose to have distributed is porn. Big companys have shares in private equity firms, who in turn have shelf companies in Nevarda and Cayman Islands who inturn fund production of porn in LA. Most movies if anyone had half a brain to google search are hosted in countries outside US reach. Anyone using megaupload would know they hosted uploads from individuals, most of whom didn't want pay HUGE fees to us based hosts. Most of the pirate material (and mega deleted frequently and had reporting system) was archives from popular American porn sites (well said Asian porn but they were all US based llcs registered by same few mega-rich private equity firms owned by nameless private companies). 30 percent of Time's revenue is porn according to some research.

Apple, Disney and many others who are big Democrat supporters publicly don't produce any porn and often speak against it. Some media companies forced to admit they profit from porn. Especially when women from "X-rated" movies appear in b-grade teen movies and companies then claim they don't encourage underage drinking or underage sex like in all the teen flicks made by so called second tier companies that Disney, Apple, AOL-Time-Warner have a stake in. Then when same porn queens get hollywood invites, invites issued by companies that supposably don't make porn. Same companies that flood money to Democrats and yet most of their movies don't make a profit, putting burdon on state of California and US government on missed revenue.

Obama has a blind eye, the dollar bill is blocking him from seeing the very thing he speaks against.

Free market doesn't exist. Wake up.